If you’ve landed on this page, chances are that you’re interested in the idea of distance learning and how it relates to becoming an LPN. You might be wondering about online LPN programs, whether or not it’s possible to take these types of classes online, and other things related to the field of practical nursing. You may have had thoughts running through your head like “Can I take LPN programs online?” or “What’s the difference between online and in-person LPN classes?” If you’ve thought about things like that, it’s totally normal; these are important things to think about. With that said, this page may help you to get a better idea of some of the possible answers to those questions and also cover some general information about the profession, schooling, and more. This page also breaks down and debunks some popular myths related to online education and schooling too. Alright, let’s get started on this topic—keep reading to learn more!
LPN Programs Online: Can a Person Really Take Online Classes?
This may be one of the most (if not the most) common question related to online LPN programs and schooling. Here are the facts, as outlined by Go LPN Online: you can’t take 100% of your classes online no matter what, no matter where you live, but you may be able be able to take some LPN classes online, combined with in person classes too, which may reduce your seat time in a physical class.
While the internet is an amazing thing, unfortunately it doesn’t translate all that well to all subjects, and medical education is one of those subjects. In order to learn the physical skills that you’ll need to know to be an LPN, you’ll need to attend at least some in-person classes. How many will depend upon where you live and the specific rules regarding LPN schooling and licensing in your state, as well as the school you actually attend. There are some states that may allow a person to take some of their schooling online (such as the lecture section of some classes), while other states may not allow people to take ANY of their schooling online. No matter what, LPN schooling cannot be completed 100% online, and in-person classes will ALWAYS be required to some extent. This may seem like a bummer to you, but plain and simple, there just isn’t a way to teach the skills required to become an LPN via the internet. Yes, information can be conveyed, but that doesn’t mean that practical nursing skills can be taught over the internet, because they can’t; learning those types of skills requires an instructor to teach them in person, and help guide students, which can’t be done online.
Online LPN Classes vs Traditional LPN Classes

If you live in a state that happens to allow online LPN education, then you may be wondering about the difference between online education and regular education. What are the pros and cons? Well, let’s take a look at that.
Obviously classes vary among different schools, but one of the main benefits of online education is the fact that the time and place where you do your learning is more flexible. For people with busy or non-traditional schedules, this may be quite helpful. For people who have more traditional schedules, they may be able to accommodate a traditional classroom schedule and may not benefit as much from online LPN schooling.
People who are also independent learners may benefit more from online LPN programs compared to people who learn better in an in-person environment where they can interact directly with the teacher. Another difference between online and in person classes is typically the pace at which the classes move. For example, in a traditional classroom environment, class can be slowed down if a lot of people have questions and the instructor can take extra time to explain things, but this doesn’t typically happen in an online class.
Is Taking LPN Classes Online Easier Than Taking Them In Person?
NO! Online classes are NOT easier than in-person classes—in fact, some people may find them to actually be harder. Online LPN programs may generally be geared toward people who are good independent learners, as mentioned in the previous section. If you’re not someone who learns well independently, then online classes might actually be harder than traditional classes, so that’s something to keep in mind if you’re considering taking them.
LPN to RN Online Programs: Basic Information
If you’re already an LPN and are considering the move to becoming an RN, then you might be interested in the idea of an online LPN to RN program. There is another page on this site that covers this the topic of LPN to RN online programs more in depth, but let’s summarize a few things here.
First of all, just like LPN classes or programs online, RN programs can’t be completed entirely online, no matter where you live, so be prepared to take some classes in person. Also, some states may not allow people to take online RN classes, so that another thing to consider depending upon where you live. That said, if an online LPN to RN program is available, it might be worth considering if you have a non-traditional schedule and you think you’re a good candidate for online learning.
Locating Schools
When looking for legitimate schools, it’s important that you take your time and don’t enroll in some type of fly-by-night online program. Make sure that any school you enroll in is properly accredited by a reputable accrediting agency or organization; you don’t want to enroll in a school that has made up their own accreditation. It’s also a good idea to make sure that any LPN program you’re thinking of enrolling in is approved by whichever organization in your state is in charge of LPN licensing (often times the Department of Health).
Don’t ever be pressured by any school to enroll, and take the time to make a good decision for yourself. There may be community colleges and other schools in your area that offer different LPN programs and you can visit the home page of this site and find the page dedicated to your state—you’ll see a list of schools at the end of each state page. This list might not be comprehensive, but it may give you a good place to start looking for schools. Again, take your time, and don’t be pressured by anyone. Find a school that’s right for you and make sure they have a proper accreditation and are recognized by the state where you live. Do your homework,so-to-speak, before choosing a school so that you know you’ve made the right decision.