The largest producer of maple syrup in the United States is Vermont, which happens to be a major dairy producer, as well. If you claim Vermont as your home state and are interested in looking into being an LPN, continue reading. You will read what typical LPN schooling programs tend to be like, what some LPN job duties are, and what requirements Vermont has in place for licensing practical nurses. You will also find a list of schools in Vermont that may offer LPN schooling.
Learning to Become an LPN: Basic Information
LPN schooling has one main goal: to create capable and competent Practical Nurses who can properly care for patients. To accomplish this, a variety of classes may be required. For instance, students may have to take some of the same fundamental courses (English, math, etc.) that someone pursuing a Liberal Arts degree would have to take, but they also have to take a variety of medical education courses too. Students need to learn all of the skills that nurses need to know from caring to patients at their bedside to recording patient data, and responding to other patient needs. They also need to be prepared to take the NCLEX, which is the main test that’s required by most states to become a Practical Nurse.
Educational programs may include a variety of hands-on elements like lab courses and clinicals; both of which can help a student to get experience with the various physical tasks that are required of LPNs, and also experience in the field (under supervision) helping patients and learning first hand what a day in the life of a Practical Nurse is like.
General Job Duties of Vermont LPNs
Various LPN jobs may tend to look fairly similar, but the exact job duties may vary among different places where LPNs work. Take for example an LPN who works in a hospital; they may spend more time helping patients recover from surgery or changing bandages because people are often in the hospital to receive surgery or because of injuries. In contrast, LPNs who work in a regular doctors office may spend more time taking down patient information and leading patients back to patient rooms in the office, or even recording initial patient data like blood pressure, the reason for a patient’s visit, or other information. Some LPNs who work in specialty clinics or specialty sections of a hospital may be required to undergo special education or obtain specific certifications to perform certain job duties depending upon the local regulations and also any regulations that a hospital or their workplace may have.
Vermont Licensing Information for LPNs
There are specific requirements and a specific process that LPN hopefuls in Vermont must go through to be licensed in Vermont. Some explanation of these follows, but for details on fee amounts and fully comprehensive information (including information on unique scenarios, such as being a foreign nursing program graduate), visit the Vermont Board of Nursing’s website.
To become a Vermont LPN, applicants must have graduated from a practical nursing program. They must provide a Verification of Education form to the school for completion, and either the school must give it back to the applicant in a sealed envelope to include with the application, or the school must send it directly to the Board of Nursing. If the school is located outside the state of Vermont, official transcripts must accompany the verification form. If the school is located inside Vermont, no transcripts are necessary. In addition to filling out the application and paying the application fee, LPN applicants must include a copy of their driver’s license, government ID, or passport. Additional documents may be required if the applicant answers “yes” to certain questions on the application (such as questions regarding any criminal convictions or educational disciplinary actions taken against them). A photo of the applicant must also be provided; the photo is to be 2 inches by 2 inches, taken within the past 6 months, and show the head and shoulders of the applicant. Finally, the applicant must pass National Council Licensure Exam for Practical Nursing (NCLEX exam).
Vermont – Schools That May Offer Practical Nursing Programs
Community College of Vermont
660 Elm St, Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 828-2800
Barre Technical Center
155 Ayers Street, Barre, VT 05641
(802) 476-1487
Essex Junction Technical Center
3 Educational Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05452
(802) 878-5559
Vermont Technical College
124 Admin Drive, Randolph Center, VT 05061
(802) 728-1000
Vermont Technical College (Williston Campus)
101 Lawrence Place, Williston, VT 05495
(802) 879-5967
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