The capital and major metropolis of Utah, Salt Lake City, rises southeast of the Great Salt Lake in the shadow of the Wasatch Mountain Range. Recreational opportunities abound, from winter sports of every variety to hiking, camping, mountain biking, and water sports on lakes other than the Salt Lake. If you come from this outdoorsy state and are seeking information on LPN licensing in Utah, keep reading; you will learn about what LPN schooling programs typically look like, what some job duties of LPNs are, and what LPN licensing in Utah is like. At the end of this page, you’ll see a various schools in Utah that may offer Practical Nursing classes.
Practical Nursing Classes: Fundamental Information
Utah Practical Nursing programs for licensed practical nurses are made up of a variety of components. The theoretical aspect of the programs involves two basic kinds of classes: general education classes and nursing classes. General education classes might be things like basic English, science, and similar foundational courses. Nursing classes may vary, but are generally focused on medical topics. Another aspect of licensed practical nursing programs is the practical component, which involves labs and clinicals. Labs usually accompany some nursing classes and allow students to have hands-on experience with the skills they are learning in nursing; for example, they may learn how to perform an injection in a lab. Students may practice techniques they are learning while an instructor is typically present to provide guidance. Clinicals are where students gain real-life experience with LPN job duties. Clinicals usually take place each week in a medical setting of some sort, and students can take on patient responsibilities under very close supervision. Often, the responsibilities that the LPN students start with are light, and then students are given more responsibilities as time goes on and as they move through the LPN educational program.
Commonplace Job Duties for LPNs in Utah
LPNs can be found working in many different medical settings. This means that LPN job duties cover a wide range of tasks, although some tasks will likely be different from one setting to the next (for instance, a Licensed Practical Nurse working in a nursing home are not likely to be bottle-feeding infants). Some LPNs may perform bedside care duties. This type of care tends to include things like dressing patients, giving patients baths, helping patients out with personal hygiene, cleaning their wounds, applying new bandages. Some LPNs may monitor the health status of patients, which basically involves taking and recording vital signs from patients, like weight, temperature, pulse, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. It can also include those times when an LPN is a liaison between patient and doctor, informing the doctor of any concerns the patient has about his or her healthcare. Miscellaneous duties include tasks like billing insurance and administering medication via oral methods or injection. Finally, some tasks that some LPNs do require extra education and sometimes even licensing. These tasks include things like working with IVs and helping with other special tasks.
General Information About LPN Licensing in Utah
Utah’s process of being licensed as a practical nurse resembles other states’ processes. Licenses are administered through the Utah Division of Professional and Occupational Licensing, or DOPL. Some information about licensing is provided below; however, because laws change, visit the Division of Professional and Occupational Licensing (DOPL) website for the latest licensing information and fee amounts. Utah participates in the Nurse Licensure Compact, as well, which allows LPNs from other Compact states to practice in Utah under their own state’s license, and Utah LPNs are allowed to work in other Compact states under a Utah license.
Utah LPN applicants must graduate from an accredited nursing program, which must send an official transcript to DOPL. Applicants typically need to complete an application and return it to the DOPL along with a fee payment (if required), and they must submit any other required documents with the application (such as court papers from convictions, etc.). There are specific instructions on the application on what papers an applicant may need to include. Applicants must also submit to and pass a criminal history/background check. Lastly, they must take and successfully pass the NCLEX. For more information on any part of the application process, or for questions about unique licensing scenarios, visit the DOPL website.
Utah Colleges & Schools
These colleges and schools may have schooling programs for those who wish to become LPNs.
Provo College
1450 West 820 North, Provo, UT 84601
(877) 777-7033
Bridgerland Applied Technology College
1301 N 600 W, Logan, UT 84321
(435) 753-6780
Davis Applied Technology College
550 E 300 S, Kaysville, UT 84037
(801) 593-2500
Ogden–Weber Applied Technology College
200 N Washington Blvd, Ogden, UT 84404
(801) 627-8300
Salt Lake Community College
4600 S Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City, UT 84123
(801) 957-7522
Snow College
150 College Ave E, Ephraim, UT 84627
(435) 283-7000
Stevens Henager College
1476 Sandhill Road, Orem, UT 84058
(801) 373-0285
Utah College of Applied Technology
1301 North 600 West, Logan, UT 84321
(435) 753-6780
Weber State University
3848 Harrison Blvd, Ogden, UT 84408
(801) 626-6000
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